Attestation Functions

Our Attestation functions cover

  • Statutory audit of Financial statements
  • Certifications
  • Tax audits
  • Transfer pricing studies

Management Audits

Our spectrum of Management Audits cover:

  • Internal / Management audits: PKACA has time and again assisted several businesses evaluate the efficacy of their internal controls, performance of various functions / departments, benchmarking assessments and helped implement the recommendations that followed. These audits are usually centered around the agreed upon scope and requires specialized skills to execute the audit and unearth the desired outcome from these engagements. These engagements have immensely helped small to mid-size organizations who do not have a strong audit function in house and can leverage our expertise for a fraction of a cost.
  • Project audits : Project Audits are carried out in a phased manner, right from the Planning to execution phase, where each milestone is assessed/reviewed for the inputs (cost, material etc) and the outcome of each phase is audited, with the budget slab.
  • Risk assessment / reviews: Our risk management professionals carry out an extensive study of the factors that standard out as your internal or external risks. The professionals work with your internal teams to come up with a process to track, assess and value these risks and to choose an appropriate risk mitigation strategy. We also carryout periodic review of these risks to report on how the risk management function is performing against the set bench marks.
  • Certifications : certain financial information needs to be certified for various purposes like, tendering process, regulatory requirements or on request of third parties. As part of our audit services we also provide the necessary certification services to our clients. Additionally, we are panel auditors for several public and private sector lending agencies and are called upon periodically to assess the extent and type of utilization against the loans that are disbursed to the bank’s customers.


We offer consulting services in a multitude of business segments such as:

  • Global TTM (Total Tax Minimization) ®
  • ERP Implementation Readiness , Recommendations and Implementation Audits
  • Information Technology Audits
  • Governance , Risk and Compliance
  • Policies and Procedures matrix for start-ups

Information Technology Audits

Our partners are certified information system auditors who from time to time are called upon to perform a broad range of IS services including

  • IT Policy and Strategy Assessment
  • Segregation of Duties and responsibilities assessment and recommendations
  • Network and Bandwidth Audits
  • BCP and DRP Assessments
  • ERP product suitability assessment and vendor selection
  • Accounting reconciliations
  • Standard Operating procedures documentation and training


Sarbanes-Oxley isn’t just about complex compliance issues. Companies that fully embrace the measure can find that it serves as a potent catalyst for business and technology change. Greater enterprise value will accrue from enhanced controls, improved information quality and a more streamlined organizational structure.

PKACA helps companies maximize the long-term business value of their Sarbanes-Oxley activities. With our integrated audit, tax and consulting capabilities, we help our clients not only achieve full Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, but also improve corporate governance, strengthen internal controls, and increase stakeholder’s confidence.

  • An internal control program adopted and endorsed by the board, audit committee, CEO and other C-suite executives.
  • Business process re-engineering to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organiation
  • SOX compliance enabled by properly designed and implemented technology
  • An expectation that the accuracy, timeliness, reliability and transparency of a company’s financial information will garner the recognition of stakeholders.
  • A financial commitment to strong governance.

Taxation/Transfer Pricing

We are renowned experts reputed with simplifying the tax compliance for our clients. We have wide experience in handling transfer pricing engagements for our multi-national clients.

We offer our expert services in :

  • Corporate and Personal Income Tax
  • Services Tax
  • Excise Duty
  • Customs Duty
  • VAT

KPO Services

Our KPO services provides you with cost effective and professional accounting services leveraging the advancement of web based technologies. With outsourcing you will start experiencing improved quality, greater control and a boost to your productivity in addition to the tremendous cost savings associated with not having to keep a full blown accounting team on your roster